We know there's an 'about us' section, but I thought the blog would be a good place to give a little more information, and some more photos!
I'm John and I've been running Smithy Mushrooms for just over 25 years, and what a journey it has been! As the largest producer of exotic mushrooms in the UK, we have worked with so many brilliant people and created amazing relationships with our customers - most longer than the average marriage!
We are a family run business, with my parents, brother and sister, nephews, nieces and daughters all having worked here at some point over the years - whether it's cleaning out the sheds when their back from university for the summer or working here for 17 years like my baby brother Mal.
We have grown as a company over the years and that's meant employing outside the blood relations and growing the Smithy Mushrooms family. We've been so lucky to develop such a friendly, knowledgeable, dedicated and driven team from the supply chain to the office.
We love innovation and work closely with the Wicked Healthy team and Tesco has helped bring the first mainstream Vegan ready meals to the UK.
I can't say enough about how much effort and trialing Derek (one half of Wicked Healthy) our mushrooms. We're proud to be the supplier for the largest vegan ready meal range in the world.We have lots more exciting improvements coming, so keep up to date by subscribing to our newsletter below!